Get Involved

The engagement and support of both companies and individuals enables Jobcare to offer a range and depth of services to jobseekers.

one lady coaching another


Jobcare welcomes volunteers who are passionate about supporting individuals who are unemployed and wish to use their skills and experience to give something back. Sign up to volunteer, or contact us for further information.


We are very grateful to the many companies, large and small, that support Jobcare in a practical or financial way. If you believe that ‘working matters’, we invite you to partner with us in helping unemployed people directly by hiring them, or indirectly by sharing talent, technology and resources with Jobcare. Sign up to partner, or contact us for further information.

Work with Us

Community Employment.

The Community Employment (CE) programme is designed to help people who are long-term unemployed (or otherwise disadvantaged) to get back to work by offering part-time and temporary placements in jobs based within local communities.

View current CE opportunities

Listen to one of our Jobnet Facilitators, Astrid Collier, who shares why she spends a number of hours every week volunteering with us. Volunteers from a broad range of sectors engage with Jobcare in different ways depending on their other commitments. Chat with us if you’d like to find out more.

Partnering is all about relationships, and we want to build a sustained relationship with you and your company that will be mutually beneficial, and that will get increasing numbers of people back into work.